
30-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge

If you’d love an effective strategy for building new habits to help you strip back and simplify your life, then this 30-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge is for you. This challenge follows up on my article from earlier this month: How to Simplify Your Life.

Perhaps you’re already doing well in some of the life areas I spoke of in that piece, and reading it inspired you to simplify others. Or perhaps you currently feel so overwhelmed you don’t know where to start.

Either way, this “30-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge” is here to help – because it’s the decisions we make today that create our future. And using a 30-day challenge is an effective strategy for building new habits and creating positive change.

You’ll also find this 30-Day Challenge opens up the space that allows for ease, magic and new opportunities to manifest in your life. And who wouldn’t love that?

While it’s not essential to take action on all the daily suggestions, please take the time before you begin to review each of the 30 days, and decide which ones you’d like to take action on, and place them in your scheduler NOW.

Inscription Plan in notepad, close-up, top view, concept of planning, goal setting
Here’s to simplifying your life and kicking butt on what’s important to you!

Day 1: Set up a reminder on your phone to meditate for 5-10mins for the next 30 days. Find a guided meditation on YouTube or simply sit comfortably, and observe your breath for 5-10mins.

Day 2: Turn off social media and email notifications on all your devices.

Day 3: Grab your agenda and schedule in once-a-week fun with yourself or your partner, kids, or friends for the next 4 weeks. Think of 4 different activities or days-out over the next 4 weeks that you know will light you up, even it’s only for an hour.

Day 4: Get into bed 30 mins earlier than you usually would tonight with one of following 
Best Books On Simplifying Your Life:

  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising by Marie Kondo (2014).
  • Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, by J. Mark G. Williams and Dr Danny Penman (2011)
  • The 5AM Club, by Robin Sharma (2018)
  • Message of a Master by John McDonald (reprinted from 1929 in 1993)

Day 5: Automate your bill paying and placing money into a separate savings account or retirement fund.

Day 6: Schedule a time over the next week that you’ll start and complete your first decluttering session. Will it be your clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, or sentimental items?

Afterwards, get out into nature, device-free.

Day 7: Think about your workout routine. Is it time to start one, or overhaul the one you have? Dedicate 15mins today to checking out YouTube for some new inspiration and set reminders on your phone for 3 times a week over the next month to fit in a 15-20min HIIT workout.

Day 8: Ensure you have the key ingredients on hand for no less than three plant-based dinners-in-a-pinch: By having ingredients like rice, cans of beans and tomatoes, some broccoli in the freezer, and dried herbs in the cupboard. This way you’ll always be able to whip up a tasty plant-based meal, with little effort.

Day 9: Instead of jumping out of bed the moment you open your eyes, take a few seconds to feel the sheets and make a mental note of wherever you can feel pleasurable sensations in your body – doing so stimulates the motivation centers in your brain. Next, visualize what you want to accomplish that day and imagine yourself slaying any obstacles that stand in your way.

Day 10: Set up a screen-saver that reminds you of your most important life goals.

Day 11: Automate your fave “Go-to skin and beauty products”. While not all of your tried and trusted items may be available on automatic renewal, it's worth finding out if the products you love have a Replenishment Program and signing up for it. This will save you time and money.

Day 12: Get into bed 30 mins earlier than you usually would tonight with a different 
Best Book On Simplifying Your Life:

  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising by Marie Kondo (2014).
  • Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, by J. Mark G. Williams and Dr Danny Penman (2011)
  • The 5AM Club, by Robin Sharma (2018)
  • Message of a Master by John McDonald (reprinted from 1929 in 1993)

Day 13: Today breathe in positive words that capture the quality for helping you succeed that day (for example peace, confidence, concentration, success, power, knowledge, patience, integrity, etc.) by using this phrase: “I breathe in _____.”

Then, as you breathe out, use another positive word, or think of a quality you want to eliminate. For example: “I breathe in confidence; I breathe out stress.” Or “I breathe in power, I breathe out integrity.”

By repeating such a mantra for a moment or two you’ll immediately feel more capable of achieving any goal you desire.

Day 14: Schedule a time over the next week for completing your second decluttering session. Will it be your clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, or sentimental items?

Afterwards, get out into nature, device-free.

Day 15: Before you start prepping dinner tonight ask yourself can I make a bigger portion of this to keep for freeze for a later time? If yes – FAB! If not, can you change your meal to one that will?

Day 16: Grab a journal and spend some moments reflecting on the things you’re grateful for in your life. Name at least one thing that went better than expected in the last 24 hours. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Day 17: Spend a few moments writing out the 2-3 things you want to achieve today. Visualise yourself completing these tasks with ease and how good it feels to get them done!

Day 18: Chop and box your vegetables for the next 2-3 days all at once: So easy to do, but even easier not to do. Do it!

Day 19: Say NO to something today that’s not lighting up your soul. Do something else that does.

Day 20: Get into bed 30 mins earlier than you usually would tonight with a different 
Best Book On Simplifying Your Life:

  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising by Marie Kondo (2014).
  • Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, by J. Mark G. Williams and Dr Danny Penman (2011)
  • The 5AM Club, by Robin Sharma (2018)
  • Message of a Master by John McDonald (reprinted from 1929 in 1993)

Day 21: Schedule a time over the next week for completing your third decluttering session. Will it be your clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, or sentimental items?

Afterwards, get out into nature, device-free.

Day 22: What household items do you regularly buy and never want to be without? Set up a subscription to have it charged and delivered on a set schedule. Besides saving time, you'll save money too by receiving an automatic discount.

Day 23: Cook a large batch of rice or grain today, and use this as a base for your meals for the rest of the week.

Day 24: Think about your social circle – friends, family, co-workers. Who’s draining your energy? Do what you need to do to see less of them or break contact altogether.

Day 25: Make a bigger batch of whatever you’re making tonight, and box up more meals. Why cook every day when many meals taste even better a couple of days later or freeze well.

Day 26: Success = Showing Up. It doesn’t necessarily matter what comes next. If you show up, you’re already on the path of success. For example:

  • Get up when the alarm goes off, instead of hitting snooze.
  • Turn up in the gym, or to your mat, and start with just 1 repetition.
  • Go on the date, and keep an open mind.

Day 27: Make Amends. Forgiveness can set you free. Who can you write to or call and say “I forgive you”? On the flip side, is there someone you haven’t made things right with, and it’s time to do so?

Day 28: Schedule a time over the next week for completing your third decluttering session. Will it be your clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, or sentimental items?

Afterwards, get out into nature, device-free.

Day 29: Put your wellbeing routines on autopilot. Save time and lose the frustration with not getting the appointment you want by rescheduling that next hair, wax, health or wellness appointment before leaving from the most recent.

Day 30: Celebrate today by scheduling for yourself more of the things that spoke to your heart the most over the last 30 days.

It’s amazing how much creative head-space becomes available to you when life is simplified and routine tasks are automated. Here's to feeling a deeper sense of calm and living the life you came here for.

A sample summer routine vs school routine

Here’s a sample summer routine, which might help ease back into a school routine – you can compare the two and alter depending on your family.

Example summer routine

0600 Wake up
0630 Prepare breakfast and eat together
0730 Watch one programme or read a book together
0815 Shower/Bath and get dressed
0900 A structured activity – Play outside, go to the park, farm etc
1200 Lunch – prepared at home or out
1300 Quiet time – nap or read a book
1500 Structured play or activity – outside, arts and crafts
1700 Make and prepare dinner together
1800 Eat as a family
1900 Bathtime
2000 Book and bedtime

Example back to school routine

0600 Wake up
0630 Get ready to go to school
0700 Breakfast
0730 Leave for school
0830/0900 Drop off at school
1500 School pick up
1530 After school snack
1600 Quiet time/homework
1700 Prepare dinner
1730 Eat dinner as a family
1800 Quiet time/homework
1900 Bathtime and ready for bed
1945 Book and bedtime

Change is hard and that’s okay!
Whilst we have compiled all these tips and tricks, ultimately you can only do as much as you can, as change is always hard and the family will inevitably take some adjusting. 
Don’t beat yourself up about this – you can only do what you can.