Ever catch yourself checking food labels, and running your finger straight to the “Fat” content? Or comparing two items of food and automatically thinking, “I’ll grab the one with the least fat”?

I used to do this constantly, until I learned that not all fats are created equal.

In fact, if you want to lose fat, you must eat a certain amount of healthy fats. For a foodie like me, this was the most awesome nutritional revelation ever!

What are Healthy Fats?

I’m guessing you’ve already suspected they’re sadly not the type found in French fries or bacon. Healthy fats come from whole, unprocessed, non-fried foods, and are an essential macronutrient.

They’re the building blocks of our hormones, brain and nerve tissue and form a protective layer around our cells. These fats help us absorb vital nutrients like vitamin A, D, E and K, and maintain eye and brain health.


Are rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, pack more protein punch than any other fruit, and are full of folate - excellent for pregnant women.


Is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, easy for your body to digest, not readily stored as fat, infuses cells with energy quickly, and improves brain and memory function.


Contains high levels of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, boosts heart health, memory and cognitive function.


Are essential because our body is not capable of producing them but it’s difficult to get enough of through diet alone.

For this reason many health advocates now suggest taking an omega-3 supplement, in addition to eating a select quantity of omega-3 foods (such as flax seeds, salmon and sardines).

Wondering which supplement to take?
The Juice Plus+ Omega Blend has you covered.

It bridges the gap between the amount of omega-3s we have on our current health journey to where we would like to be. And the convenient dosage capsules contain a balanced mixture of carefully selected oils from vegetable sources.


Are rich in ALA omega-3 fats (brain food) and help to lower bad cholesterol levels.

Check out walnuts and almonds, chia and flaxseeds for their nutritional punch.


Coconut yoghurt is pressed from the flesh of the coconut. It naturally sweet and contains lots of antioxidants as well providing a good source of probiotics, which is great for gut health!


Choosing one that’s at least 70% cacao or higher will protect your body from free radicals and improve your heart health due to its high levels of healthy fat and richness in antioxidants and flavanols, Oh Happy Days!

How Healthy Fats Keep Us in Our Skinny Jeans!

They keep us satiated.
Fatty foods are simply more filling and are burned more slowly by the body, which means they help you from overeating and get you through to your next meal without snacking.

They increase our metabolism.
Healthy fats are more easily digested by the body, which turns them into fuel, rather than stored fat. Coconut oil, in particular, is known to stimulate fat burning, thyroid function and energy production.

So next time you go looking for the fat content of something, remind yourself that healthy fats are awesome, and should be enjoyed daily.

Still worried about getting enough of the right ones? Check out the Juice Plus+ Omega Blend.

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Always read the label. Use only as directed.