This Strawberry Apricot smoothie looks just as good as it tastes. Along with delicious flavour, Vanilla Complete by Juice Plus+ adds protein, fibre and other whole food-based nutrients. A guaranteed hit for kids!


  • 1 scoop/sachet Juice Plus+ Vanilla Complete
  • 2 ripe apricots (pits removed)
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup milk of choice (oat, almond, soy etc.)


  1. Put 1/2 of the frozen banana, the apricot, Complete and milk into blender. Puree until smooth.
  2. Pour 2/3 of the mixture into a big glass.
  3. Add strawberries and rest of the banana to the remaining mixture and blend again until smooth.
  4. Pour the strawberry smoothie slowly and directly into the middle of the apricot shake so that you have two layers. Stir and enjoy!