When Is the Best Time to Start Your Outdoor Garden?

If you’re new to gardening, you may think the planting season doesn’t begin until Spring. But that’s not true — since Tower Garden doesn’t use soil, you can start the outdoor growing season before most traditional gardeners, who must wait for the ground to warm up.

And don't forget, you can grow indoors year-round!

Finding Your Time

For many regions, the best time to start spring crops ranges from late January to mid-March. 

As a general rule, you should plant hardy greens and cruciferous vegetables (cool weather crops) a few weeks before your final frost. If you start these crops in February or March, you’ll likely be harvesting your own fresh veggies by April or May. Just make sure to choose plants that thrive in the cooler conditions of late winter and early spring, including these 16 crops that tolerate brisk nights and, in many cases, light freezes: 

Many autumn season crops also grow well in the spring.

If you are growing outdoors, do watch for severe weather. Cold season crops are pretty tough, but if you expect a stretch of freezing weather, consider heating your Tower Garden. A basic aquarium heater will suffice — just keep the water temperature above 65°F (18°C).

Now that you (hopefully) have a better idea when you’re going to start, check out these best practices for growing indoors or growing outdoors.