
Hemp Energy Bites


  • 2 scoops of Complete by Juice Plus+ Chocolate
  • 200g dates pitted
  • 250g walnuts
  • 60ml hemp seeds (including for rolling)
  • 2ml ground cinnamon
  • Dash of sea salt
  • 60ml almond butter
  • Cacao powder for rolling
  • A bit of milk, or rice milk if too dry


  1. Place dates in a mixer and blend until a ball forms. Then set aside.
  2. Separately blend the walnuts until you get a flour like consistency.
  3. Add the Complete chocolate powder, 30ml hemp seeds, sea salt and cinnamon to the wlanut flour. Make sure you don't blend for too long!
  4. Transfer to a bowl and add almond butter.
  5. Put the dates back into a mixer and mix until you have a smooth dough. If the dough is too wet, add a little cacao powder, if too dry then add a bit of milk.
  6. Refrigerate for 15mins.
  7. Take out of refrigerator and form bite sized balls. To make them look different, roll half of the balls in hemp seeds and the other half in cacao powder.