
Chocolate Avocado Mousse


  • 1 ripe avocado, chopped
  • 1 ripe banana, frozen
  • 1 Complete by Juice Plus+ Chocolate Single Serve (or one portion from the pouch)
  • 125ml milk of choice (or chilled water)
  • 15-30ml maple syrup
  • 50g dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla powder pinch of salt
  • Fresh berries or any other fruit
  • Grated chocolate


  1. Melt chocolate over simmering water (make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl or chocolate might burn.)
  2. Place avocado, banana, vanilla, maple syrup, melted chocolate, salt and Complete in a food processor and start blending.
  3. Pour in milk slowly while blending. Keep doing this until mousse is smooth.
  4. Taste. If you would like it to be sweeter, add more maple syrup.
  5. Place into serving glasses and chill in fridge for 10-15 minutes before serving.
  6. Garnish as desired.