
Healthy Family

As parents, we all want to give our children the best start in life that we possibly can. We know it’s important to fuel their growing bodies and minds so our little ones can get the most out of each day. Don't forget adults need good food too!

  • Did you know? Italians eat the most fruit out of all Europeans! While Belgium and Ireland follow next.

  • Children aged 2 – 11 eat on average 2 – 3 servings of vegetables and fruit per day.

  • Illustration of a tick sign

    Children who have easy access to fruits and vegetables eat more of them.

Here you will find our favourite options to encourage you and your little ones to eat more of the good stuff. We explore simple bite-sized changes that we can all do to make it easier to achieve.

Eating well is about balance and flexibility.

  • No secrets here.
  • Bring flexibility to your life.
  • Think about bite-size changes you can do in order to make it easier to achieve.
  • You know your family best. So take your time.

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