Not to long ago, we challenged a handful of our Juice Plus+ customers to share their Juice Plus+ experience with us. We wanted to find out why they kept using Juice Plus+ year after year – and that’s everywhere from 3 years up to 17 years!

We were lucky to get to know a bit more about Lesley Hill from South Australia. Age nearly 56, Lesley signed up as a customer with the goal of looking after her health better, having more energy and “looking after me!”

She shared that she “loves the product. It definitely contributes and supports my healthy lifestyle.”

“These capsules keep me well and the very rare times I start to feel unwell, my recovery is quick - only a couple of days. I absolutely attribute my wellbeing to this product that supports my (not always) good eating habits and busy lifestyle - it compliments my naturopathic supplements as well.

Lesley has now been taking Juice Plus+ for three years, and it doesn’t sound like she’s stopping any time soon!

I am a strong advocate for Juice Plus+ and will continue to use them into my later life! Hopefully my health and fitness will continue into my 90’s! That’s my plan and Juice Plus+ will be by my side.”

That’s our plan too Lesley! Thanks for sharing your story.

Looking for more stories about the Juice Plus+ experience? Try visiting here.

Please note: Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Please read the label and use only as directed. You may find some images of people on this page who are not the people who have given the testimony. Those who have given a testimony are customers and have received a small thank you gift.